How Meditation Changes You and Last Night’s Win!


Want to learn how meditation changes you and how it's changed me?

Let me tell you a story…

I run two businesses. The first is a business growth firm specializing in sales and marketing and helping CEOs build thriving and scalable businesses. I coach them on Conscious Capitalism where their intent is not just on Profitability, but also on building a business that serves People (employees, clients, vendors, but also the global community at large) and next it should serve the Planet. In my eyes, those are the 3Ps of business Planet, People, and Profits.


Then I have this business. The one where I help people live their best life. Although I love business and have been running the previous business since April of ’99, my true passion is in the mindfulness space and helping people. Hellagood Life still lives by the 3Ps of business, but it is heavily focused on the PEOPLE side of things.


Anyhow, I started meditation as a desperate attempt to heal a dark depression I was in and then I found it was so good that I never stopped doing it. To-date that is pushing 9 years.


learn how meditation changes you

How Do you Know Meditation Works?

So last night I was doing some work for a client. I was migrating email from their previous email provider to a hosting package I sell. In doing this I needed access to an email program. I do not do email migrations often so I thought I would use my old Apple Mail account as an email holder as I migrate things.


I haven’t used Apple Mail in over a decade. So I open it up and start adding the new temporary email account. In doing so I set off a chain reaction of things that reminded me why I left Apple Mail. Back in the day I was using Google Gmail as my main mail source so I could sync well with my Google Calendar account. Anyhow Gmail and Apple Mail didn’t always play nice together and somehow I set up calendar notifications via email.


So basically Apple Mail would get in this loop of opening up 50 to 100 notifications or scheduled email that were never sent, but that would pop up to send because they were not connecting to the server. Anyhow never mind the tech stuff, just imagine your computer screen filling up with 50 to 100 unsent email popup windows. Your whole screen is covered with all these emails.


It totally bogs down you computer and you can’t do anything anyhow because you cannot see your other tools or windows. Then things finally stop opening up.


10 years ago when this happened, it would send me off. It was something that was a nasty recurring situation for a while. I’d no sooner get it cleaned up and “fixed” to a few months later I’d have the same thing happen again, and again. So I dropped Apple Mail.


I wanted to smash my computer after having this happen multiple times and not “fixing” after much trouble shooting and hours and hours wasted. Anyhow, last night it happened again. It happened after a fairly long day, I was tired, and I am fighting a little cold, so I am not at my best.


Dale Berkebile meditating and creating a hellagood life for himself and the world around him. meditating is no longer a habit, it is a lifestyle and an identity.

But here's the Proof

Last night I just said… Oh look at that. Hmm… okay let’s hit the “Edit Email” button on the unable to send box. Then close the email window and then hit “Don’t Save Email” button and move on to the next one.


Hit “Edit Email”
Close email window
Hit “Don’t Save Email”


Hit “Edit Email”
Close email window
Hit “Don’t Save Email”


Hit “Edit Email”
Close email window
Hit “Don’t Save Email”


So I do this time and time again to clean up the 50+ open email windows cluttering up my screen only to realize… holy shit! I didn’t get pissed at all in this situation. A decade ago this would have sent me over the edge, but last night it was like it was just part of the situation.


There were no emotions, no real frustration, just… ok let’s keep things moving. And I did.

I was seriously proud of myself for this crazy act of control, not done intentionally, but rather just as part of who I am today. I still go crazy at times, but when you notice you don’t get upset anymore in areas that you used to find very stressful in the past, that is pretty cool.


The stress reduced by being able to do this job calmly is a HUGE WIN in life and a perfect example of why I try to get everyone to meditate and meditate regularly as well as apply mindfulness practices throughout their day. This stuff changes lives for the better.

Do you want to start meditating or create a daily meditation practice? Read this article and check out the 30-Day Daily-Meditation Habit Builder Challenge! IS COMMUNITY AN IMPORTANT PART OF MEDITATION?

Have you ever thought About Trying Meditation or Stepping Up Your Daily Practice?

If so then you may want to get signed up for the December 30-Day Daily Meditation Habit Builder Challenge. I ran this challenge this month and I got lucky with a small powerhouse of a group. These women were on fire and several were really seasoned meditators so I was kind of intimidated on the first launch to these seasoned folks. BUT this challenge is all about habit building so I think it brings a new spin to typical meditation courses.


My goal for you is that at the end of these 30 days you will have created a new habit of meditating daily. This will take roughly 10 minutes a day of practice and include a few lessons and prompts each day as well as lots of different recommended meditations and 4 live weekly coaching sessions.


By the end of the 30 days, you will have ideas, practices, and systems in place to help you easily commit to and be practicing a daily meditation habit. These ideas are built on the science of habit building and I think it’s a pretty solid synergy of both habit building exercises and mindfulness mediation practices.


Right now I have a handful of solid people lined up for the December group and there will be folks from this month in the Facebook group. I hope we build a really solid community of like minded folks. 


If this sounds interesting, act now because this is a limited time special offer and I will be closing the doors to the program on December 1st as we kick off the new group. This helps me focus only on the group and helps the group go through things together all at the same time. It makes for a more synergistic experiences for the community of meditators.


There is also this article on 10 health benefits of meditation.

And if those 10 weren’t enough, how about these 100 shared in this article titled These 100 Benefits of Meditation Will Convince You Once and for All to Try It.

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