ATTENTION, Meditators & Life-Long Learners, seeking Community and Support…

Offer Ends Soon!

September Self-Care

Learn How To Easily Build an Amazing Life & Thrive Without Feeling Stressed, Weird, or All Alone While Doing It…

With the Mindful Mastermind you’ll find out:

  • How to Build a Daily Meditation Practice even if you’ve failed trying this before.
  • Big ways to make sure you feel confident in your meditation practice with less hassle.
  • How to create the life of your dreams and get support in doing it.
  • Other tools or solutions you can add to your regular meditation practice.
  • Why joining our online community will be a game-changer for your success.
30-Day Daily Meditation Habit Builder Challenge


the Mindfulness Mastermind

Are you waiting for “someday” to build the life of your dreams?

You know that “someday” never really comes, just like “tomorrow.”

Why put your success off for another day when you can have it
now by joining The Mindfulness Mastermind?

You may not get another chance or at least at this price.

This quote by Hillel the Elder says it all:
“If not now, WHEN?”

Make this the day you decided to change your life.

Make it the day you start your new life-long happiness hacking routine and stop making excuses. Not the day you decided
to do nothing… again.

If you are going to ever conquer building this life you dream of, I strongly encourage you to sign up today and commit the time to grow together in The Mindfulness Mastermind group.

You will get the skills and strategy to make big things happen.

Without the questions that usually sabotages it all: 
 “Am I Worthy of This Life I Dream Of?” or
“Why Do I Have All These Obstacles?” or
“Why Does Everyone Else Seem to Be Thriving While I’m Stuck?”

Sign up today. We’ll work together and provide solutions to teach you the right way to build the life of your dreams without self-doubt cropping up and sabotaging your efforts.

Proof. It Worked For Them…

It Can Work For You Too!

I have felt so much better after just the first 6 days of this challenge. It's always interesting to me how I feel when I restart my meditation on a regular basis. This time I'm noticing that my motivation is returning. Not my motivation to meditate, but motivation in general. To get stuff done. Thanks for this! I needed this more than you can know.
Debbie Elkins
Retired Nurse
I really liked this meditation! I loved the list of positive affirmations and wanted to write them in my journal! I also liked the visualization meditation. I found it was relatively easier for me to maintain my focus.
Mark Clee
I hope you were thinking of me when you created this meditation. I really needed this right now! ❤️ ❤️
Carolyn Berkebile
Nice work Dale! Daily meditation is key to my success. I have a daily meditation practice I've been doing for 5+ years. It's been essential to managing the stress, finding peace, and focus! Every course creator should hire you or take this challenge to help them build their own daily meditation practice.
Chris Badget testimonial
Chris Badgett
CEO of LifterLMS
This is such a beautiful meditation!
Andrenee Boothe
Hey Dale, I just wanted to thank you for your meditation last week. I didn’t share my Gathas because they were very personal to me but it was an exercise that was very emotionally healing and enlightening. Thank you!
Lee Ann Bryce
Senior Minister

Total Value of The Mindfulness Mastermind and
creating the Hellagood life of your dreams?

$$$$$ Priceless $$$$$

Early Adopter Pricing!
Bonus 1: 30-Day Daily-Meditation Habit Builder Challenge
Bonus 2: The Mindful Yoga Video Training Program


This offer is only available until November 30, 2021.

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