Free Mindfulness Mini-Course

Want to Minimize or Eliminate Stress?

Stress is so common in our lives. What is not common is strong coping skills to undermine everything that causes stress. That’s what this mini-course can get you started with- powerful coping tools. 

There are 5 lessons and it’ll take 60 minutes to complete the course. 

Introduction to Mindfulness & Meditation - free mini-course

Lessons Overview

Story of Our Lives

This is an autobiography exercise all should be able to relate to.

Inner Calm

This is a meditation for inner calm.


How are mindfulness and meditation connected and how do they work?

3-Minute Meditation

It's important to have easy and quick tools to use at any time.

Dig Deeper

Another quick lesson to help apply these practices to your daily life.

Get Signed Up Now!

Try it for free . Get a few new ideas to cope with the stress in your life.

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